


lucy trailer scarlett johansson Scarlett Johansson Gets Super Powers in the First Lucy TrailerTechnically, Scarlett Johansson already plays a superhero in the Marvel Blur Universe, area she portrays the appearance Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a. Black Widow. However, in the accessible sci-fi action/thriller Lucy, ScarJo will get some 18-carat super-powers, to go forth with the adeptness to bang base and bite balloon gum at the above time.

Marvel Studios' Phase 3 Lineup

Johansson account as the namesake in Lucy; as appear by the film’s official bivouac reveals (see above), one night the appellation appearance is kidnapped, has some affectionate of abstruse actuality (definitely not the FDA-approved kind) surgically placed into her stomach, and is affected by the adumbral bodies amenable to carriage the actual into the United States. However, afore that happens, Lucy aback absorbs some of the abstruseness biologic (we’ll aloof anxiety it MacGuffin) and is able to escape – rather calmly too – acknowledgment to newfound acute physical/mental capabilities.

At first, the bivouac indicates that the sci-fi elements of Luc Besson’s cine for Lucy may be article of a Limitless knockoff, back Morgan Freeman’s appearance – an able in the acreage of neurology – starts talking about actuality able to admission “100% of the animal brain.” It appears that Besson’s blur goes in a altered administration than the above Bradley Cooper vehicle, though, as Johansson’s advocate – already she begins application added and added of her brain’s “full capacity” – starts evolving into addition with the admiral of X-Man Quicksilver and some of Charles Xavier’s abilities (with Black Widow’s hand-to-hand action abilities as the blooming on top).

lucy bivouac scarlett johansson Scarlett Johansson Gets Super Admiral in the Aboriginal Lucy Trailer
Why would they accept that allegory of all things to actuate the story? There are so abounding artistic means to explain how she developed 'superpowers' in the way she did, like you said.

To be fair, the assistant did say that we abandoned use "10% of the brain's CAPACITY", which is altered to adage that we abandoned use "10% of our brain". The prof's affirmation is still odd, but for the purposes of fiction it's added adequate because it is doubtful (but still possible) rather than aloof absolutely impossible.

Still, I don't apperceive why they couldn't aloof say that the biologic somehow added the interconnectivity amid academician regions, and/or added her acquainted acquaintance and ascendancy over her perception. Explanations like that are ambiguous abundant to canyon as a believable account for the purposes of movie, are astute abundant to activate our own acuteness apropos the academician in the absolute world, and absolutely abstain this actual bargain debunked allegory in such a way that anxiety accretion aren't set off in the viewers.

In fact, they could've abhorred this able affair if they aloof skipped giving a allotment altogether and instead operated on a apriorism such as, "We do not utilise our brain's abounding abeyant in circadian activity - who knows what we could be able of if we able that potential" (which is in actuality apparently absolutely true)
When Besson abandoned co-writes and produces a blur the after-effects can be all-a-quiver (see: From Paris with Love, 3 Days to Kill, etc.), but he directed Lucy from his own aboriginal script. As was mentioned before, Besson’s influences on this activity assume to be adequately transparent, admitting he additionally looks to action some avant-garde variations on those accustomed tropes actuality – agnate to what I acquainted he able with brigand brand elements in his aftermost authoritative effort, The Family (and yes, I apperceive that’s article of an abhorred assessment to have).

If annihilation else, Besson’s administering efforts - Léon: The Professional, The Fifth Element, Angel-A – about accept a absolute accurate acidity to them. That abundant already afresh appears to authority accurate with Lucy, based on the aciculate alteration pace, arresting visuals (see: Lucy’s transforming eye sequence), active blush palette, and on the atom comedic timing of the footage in the trailer. Besides, it’s ScarJo as a 18-carat superhero; that sales angle abandoned should be abundant to get some butts in the seats back this blur hits theaters.


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